Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 3 = A Fussy Little Me

Well the honeymoon ended for my parents this week, but they say they still love me. I decided to finally wake up, and much to mom and dad's surprise I actually want to be held 100% of the time....well at least 90%. Good thing my lungs function great b/c I can yell loud enough to be heard from practically anywhere....I found that is a great way to get attention. Who says a three week old can't communicate effectively?
As for week 3 firsts - I FINALLY got my first tummy Zerbert. It was so funny....kind of tickles. Mom said she waited to give me that long awaited Zerbert until my stump fell off. She said it was nasty and wanted no part of it before now. I also received my first real bath!
My new and improved "stumpless" belly!

Here's lookin' at you kid....well not sure where I am looking?

Me & Cousin Alex

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