Monday, February 28, 2011

February - Oh where have we been?

I think this is the longest i have ever gone without posting!  Anyway, February has been a work month at the Yates household.  Mom decided she wanted an aesthetic change at home, so she took it upon herself (with help from Gran) to repaint almost the entire downstairs BLUE (though various shades)...yes I OD'd on Brown last time and now blue!  But, I like the change.

As far as the boys,  they are doing great.  Court still is refusing to eat anything nutritious and living off his nutritional supplements, but that doesnt' slow him down one bit.  So funny and his vocabulary is really starting to explode.  Emerson is a great big bro, but the jealousy side has really kicked in.  Anything Court grabs is his or "he had it first"...But, they really play so well together most of the time!

Most of the pics below are from Jackson and Harrison's 3 year old b'day party!  The kids loved it...


 And yes, we know, the boys need haircuts....still!!!!