Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Play Date with the cuz's...

Cousins Claire and Ashley came over to play the other day and help us decorate the tree.  They were so funny trying to explain Christmas to Emerson.  They said "you celebrate Jesus's birthday, get to sing carols, and Santa brings you lots and lots of presents....It's the best!"


Pop and Meme came to B'ham to visit us a couple of weekends ago.  We had the best day outside enjoying the beautiful weather at the zoo!  Can't wait to see ya'll again! 

Daddy's 40th Birthday Lunch

Happy 40th Daddy!  You sure are getting old!  But, we are glad we got to celebrate your old age at Stix! Here's to 40 more!  Cheers, Dad!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Potty Time

OK, so we haven't actually done the deed yet...but school got the little man to at least sit on the potty today!  We are so proud!  Here is the pic that just sent to me...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Part III

OK, the final chapter is here.  Jackson came to hang with Emerson for the last night of T&T.  They were too cute climbing in and out of that wagon. 

 Randomly, after the hot air baloon a few minutes earlier, an old military plane came flying by our house LOW to the ground...my camera was off so didn't get a good pic until it had passed....pretty cool though!