Monday, May 4, 2009

11 Months Old

Well...I am officially 11/12 of a year old. Wow how time flies. Since my birthday was on Saturday, my neighborhood threw me a party at Ross Park...well not really, but there was a neighborhood picnic full of fun things to do like horse carriage rides, free icecream, the choo choo train, etc. And since I am getting so old, I decided it is time for me to practice walking. I started by standing w/o assistance this weekend...I can hold it about 7 seconds without falling. Yay for me! Even more impressive, Mom turned around this weekend and saw me standing up and walking using my toy basket as a crutch...I guess that was enough of a hint b/c Mom & Dad had been hiding this very cool "walker" in the garage that they broke out for me to play with. Within minutes I went from pushing it on my knees to standing tall and walking behind it. I'm such a pro. I just may become a real walker before my first birthday after all....
Here I'm cruising along behind my walker. I must say I'm quite the athlete, mastering a difficult feat in just a matter of minutes.
Oh my...I think I just hit a possum.
OK...I have to take this driving stuff a little more seriously in the future. Notice, the 10 & 2 hand position and concentration written all over my face.
Don't worry, all eyes don't have to stay on the tracks when you are stopped.
Mom, can't you see I'm too busy to smile for the camera?
Dad trying to give me a driving lesson before we got started..Little did he know that I was a natural (just please ignore the possum incident).
Me & Cousin Ashley taking a break in one of the train cars...
I was a little peeved at Dad for not taking a ride with me. No fun to ride alone!
The caboose was really least I think this is the caboose?
Hey bro, you serve as a nice seat...Hope you don't mind?
Me, Gran & Cousin Ashley
I just figured out this bottom lip thing, and it works like a charm!

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