Wow. Time flies! We can't believe Courtland is already One Month Old. He is so sweet...such a cuddler, BUT he totally has his days and nights confused. Courtland pretty much sleeps all day and doesn't have much of an appetite and then at night he is ready to FEED, FEED, FEED! But, we are blessed to have an easy baby other than that...he is happy, rarely fusses, and so alert!

Big Bro Emerson loves to "love" (AKA pat, tug, pinch, rub, etc.) the baby...and he says "BABY" all the time. He really is great with Courtland. Shares his toys and loves to feed him a pacifier/bottle.

Mommy and Courtland on his 4 week B'day

Hey Big Bro, that's my Bottle!

Celebrating Courtland's 4 week old B'day Yates Style....we went and ate Japanese. We did this when Emerson turned 4 weeks as well! Emerson loves Japanese restaurants so he had a blast as well!
