Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

I had another fabulous weekend, but was a little worried about one of my big brothers all week. Butler was diagnosed with Juvenile cataracts...and he just turned 1 years old. The docs said he was already 50% blind so he had to have lens replacement surgery on his eyeballs this week. Consequently, he had a ready-made costume for Halloween. He was a lamp and I was a penguin. I greeted all of the trick-or-treaters and everyone thought that I was just precious. On Saturday, Nana kept me while my cool parents went to the Bama game. I was a perfect little angel all weekend! P.S. - Butler is feeling better but he is still dressed up like a lamp. No fair...why does he get to keep wearing his costume and I don't get to wear mine anymore. After all....I am 5 months old today! Happy B'day to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me & Ms. JuJu. She made my awesome outfit for me! Don't I look cute in it!
I already love storytime!
Me & Grandad. Everybody says I'm his Mini-Me.
Chillin' during Tummy Time
Roll Tide! The polls came out today and Bama is ranked #1...but Daddy wishes we could still fly under the radar at #2. #1 ranked teams seem to get "knocked off" too much lately!
Did someone say Slim Shady?
I was a penguin for Halloween. How cute am I?
Just call me "Happy Feet"

My Big Brother - "The Lamp"

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hey girl. I saw your blog address on your facebook page. All of the pics are too cute! I never thought I would blog but now I'm addicted. It's a great way to keep family and friends updated on kids.