Thursday, August 5, 2010

All Grown Up

From mowing the lawn, to working on the computer to eating corn like a big boy, Emerson thinks he is all grown up.  Little Court tries to get in the mix, but sometimes isn't quite there yet...but he sure does try!

Over the past month, the boys relationship has just blossomed into best buds. It is so cute to watch how they interact and play now. Typically, Emerson is a good sharer and allows Cout to play with his big boy toys. Right now we are trying to teach Court words, and Emerson pats himself and says "Me!"...Court will probably start calling him that soon. Emerson still loves fruit...doesn't want much to do with sweets. Court, on the other hand, will barely eat stage 3 food and NO table food. This kid likes his bottle too much! In fact, this past week he has refused dinner and only wants milk. If we even try a meat baby food, he literally gags and throws up...Looks like he is going to be our picky one!

Emerson mowing the lawn with his Daddy...he loved it!
Hey, Why can't I help?
Working hard on Mommy's computer!

1 comment:

The Sylvesters said...

I feel your pain on picky eaters. I hope that Court grows out of it for you. The boys are too cute.