OK..what's new in the Yates' clans life. Well, Court is officially walking and on the go, though I must admit I miss his cute little bear crawl. He still hates any solid food and sleeping, but he is the sweetest thing you will ever meet. He wakes up every morning (unfortunately in Mom and Dad's bed) flashing the biggest grin you have ever seen and looks around like it is the first time he has ever opened his eyes. He loves to watch and imitate big brother and chase Bear all over the house...Bear does not find this quite as amusing. Emerson has become quite the independent little man with an opinion on everything. He is growing up soo fast. I'm not sure where it came from, but on Saturday we went from "Mommy and Daddy" to "Mom and Dad." Blueberries and Pizza are his all time favorite foods. We have a bonus this week with some pics of the doggies. Mom needs to get better at documenting our 130+ pound puppies. Bear got shaved a little later in the Summer so he is still in the awkward regrowth stage. I'll get some better pics of him next time...he knows he is still a Mama's boy and greets me each morning with the wettest kiss and sweetest moan....Butler, still tests our limits daily, but you have to love his persistence...and he really is the most loving dog ever. If we could just get him to stop stealing all of our food!
Oh and I forgot to mention, that Court is definitely going to be our mischevious one...We can already tell we have our hands full with this one.