Monday, July 26, 2010

The Retro Run

So, Mommy, Gran, Court and Emerson ran the Retro Run in Homewood on Saturday night.  It was soo much fun. The boys loved the race and looking at all the costomes.  Afterward they had beer, barbque and a band.  Both boys shook their money makers to the band and had a ball!  Emerson also engaged in his own race at the end of the night, running endlessly up and down the street.  On Sunday we went to the pool for 6 hours.  Oops, Team Safety was slacking a bit b/c they each got a little bit sunburned.  Not bad, but definitely pink!  Court just loves the water and emerson is getting so much better at jumping in and going all the way under water.  He also is doing great blowing bubbles and kicking....vast strides from the beginning of the summer when he didn't even want to be in the gated area of the pool..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Courtland's Christening!

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate Courtland's Christening on July 18, 2010.  He looked beautiful in his dress that Gran made (same one that Emerson used) and he was a doll during his big moment.  Afterwards, we all gathered at Stix Restaurant to celebrate the Baptism and Cousin Ashley's birthday. 

The boys are really starting to play together more and more!  It is so fun watching them interact.  Courtland still has his bear crawl and insists laying the back of his hand against his cheek when he waves hello and goodbye.  We still can't get him to eat solid foods, but that is OK.  Emerson's voabulary is still exploding.  He has finally decided that he loves the pool and is doing great at blowing bubbles, jumping off the side and kicking.