Sunday, January 4, 2009

My First Trip to Ross Park

Mom and Dad took me to Ross Park for my 7 month old birthday....I absolutely loved the park and can't wait to go back! On a separate note, now that I am 7 months old, I'm getting much bettter at sitting up all by myself, I love yelling anything these days, especially the word "Da" over and over (even though I'm not quite sure what it means yet), I love playing ball and I am even feeding myself a bottle now (which makes life much easier for Mom & Dad)...Yeah!!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2009! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me....2008 has sure flown by. To celebrate the New Year Mommy and Daddy went to the lake with friends. They were going to take me but Nana and Grandad wanted an "Emerson Fix" so I brought in the New Year with them. Nana made black eyed peas New Years Day to bring us good luck in 2009, and while Mommy swallowed just 1 pea and Daddy 1 spoon full, I hate a whole bunch....I'm going to bring everyone good luck this year.
The Fam just before Mom and Dad head to the Lake.
Me, Nana and Grandad
Wow...ANOTHER PRESENT!!!! They just keep coming! I love this stuff!
I love the Rock, Ride and Roll that Aunt Debbi and family gave to me...
I loved beating on the box even more!
Guess Who? That is me bringing in the New Year!