Monday, May 11, 2009

Play "Ball"!

I can talk, I can talk, I can talk, talk, talk....I have been babbling non stop lately, but now I can finally say my first word, and is not Da Da or Ma Ma....It's "BALL." Yay! I guess that makes sense as I do love to play ball w/anyone and everyone...sometimes even by myself. Mr. Boogie and Ms. Taffi brought Max and Griffin over to play this past weekend. We went to the neighborhood crawfish party,and then they came over to our house. And before you ask, yes I am older than Griffin (but just by 2 weeks), and no I don't know why he wears 24 month clothes and I am still in a size 6-9 months. I guess I'll have to get used to the phrase "Big things come in little packages." :)
Here I am pitching the ball to Griffin...Batter Up!
Ha! Ha! I struck you out! Sike!
Wanna wrestle big guy? Bring It!
OK, so what if you are a little taller than me...
My Big Brothers are still bigger than you!

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